Licensed organisations
The organisations below provide licensed features of Link Maker for adoption to their families and staff, and can work together using regional collaboration tools.
Aberdeen City Council
Aberdeenshire Council
ACE Adoption
Adopt Birmingham
Adopt Coast to Coast
Adopt London East
Adopt London North
Adopt London South
Adopt London West
Adopt North East
Adopt South
Adopt South West
Adopt Thames Valley
Adopters for Adoption
Adoption Connects
Adoption East Midlands
Adoption Focus
Adoption in Merseyside
Adoption Lancashire & Blackpool
Adoption Matters
Adoption NoW
Adoption Partnership South East
Adoption Routes
Adoption South East
Adoption West
Angus Council
Argyll and Bute Council
Aspire Adoption
Bedford Borough Council
Buckinghamshire Council
Cambridge & Peterborough Adoption
Caritas Care
CCS Adoption
City of Edinburgh Council
Clackmannanshire Council
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar (Western Isles)
Coram Ambitious for Adoption
Cumbria Adoption
Demonstration only
Dumfries & Galloway Council
Dundee City Council
East Ayrshire Council
East Dunbartonshire Council
East Lothian Council
East Renfrewshire Council
Essex County Council
FAL Leicester
FAL Leicestershire
FAL Lincolnshire
FAL North Lincolnshire
FAL Northamptonshire
Falkirk Council
Family Futures
Fife Council
Glasgow City Council
Hertfordshire County Council
Highland Council
Inverclyde Council
Luton Borough Council
Midlothian Council
Moray Council
Norfolk County Council
North Ayrshire Council
North Lanarkshire Council
North Wales Adoption Service
Nugent Care
One Adoption North and Humber
One Adoption South Yorkshire
One Adoption West Yorkshire
Orkney Islands Council
Perth and Kinross Council
Renfrewshire County Council
Restricted account
Scottish Borders Council
Shetland Islands Council
South Ayrshire Council
South East Wales Adoption Service
South Lanarkshire Council
Southend-on-Sea City Council
St Andrew's Children's Society
St David's Adoption Service
St. Margaret's Children & Family Care Society
States of Guernsey
Stirling Council
Suffolk County Council
Thurrock Council
Together for Adoption
Vale, Valleys and Cardiff Adoption
West Dunbartonshire Council
West Lothian Council
Western Bay Adoption Service
Yorkshire Adoption Agency Ltd