Release notes

With Link Maker, our goal is to constantly progress and improve our services through assessment and customer feedback. Through our releases we unveil new features, implement enhancements and fix any bugs that might be lurking. Below you will find our recent releases and developments.

Release 1.13.21

Release date: August 14th 2018

All Users 

  • Fixed a bug where the date and time on a message or document within a discussion was not visible on a the mobile view. 
  • On the Data page, figures have been added to the adoption sufficiency data to show the % of children and adopters waiting over 6 months for the criteria selected. 


  • Fixed a bug where an error was thrown if two or more of the fields on the 'favourite things' page of an adopters profile were the same. 
  • Fixed a bug where the text shown on the discussion, when the disucssion was marked as progressing to panel, was incorrect.
  • Fixed a bug on the adopter profile where 'surrounding enviroment' was shown in two separate fields.
  • New functionality has been added to allow hard to place children to be 'featured' on appropriate users' home pages. A list of these children also appear on the featured tab on the'Children for adoption' page. 

Adoption practitioners

  • Fixed a bug where an error was thrown if two or more of the fields on the 'favourite things' page of an adopters profile were the same.
  • Fixed a bug where a case could not be made inactive if the profiles in the case had been deleted.
  • Fixed a bug where discussions were auto starting on an inter agency/RAA discussion if the practitioner was  linked to one party and also held manager permissions. 
  • Fixed a bug where the text shown on the discussion, when the disucssion was marked as progressing to panel, was incorrect.
  • Where the word/phrase consortia appears on the web site, this has been replaced with the name or the consortia or RAA. 
  • Fixed a bug on the cases page where the total number of incoming and outgoing enquiries were showing as 0. 
  • On the adopter sufficiency dashboard, figures have been added to the adoption sufficiency data to show the % of children and adopters waiting over 6 months for the criteria selected.
  • Fixed a bug where practitioners from the same agency were not able to message each other prior to a discussion being started. 
  • Fixed a bug on the adopter profile where 'surrounding enviroment' was shown in two separate fields.
  • New functionality has been added to allow hard to place children to be 'featured' on appropriate users'  home pages. A list of these children also appears on the featured tab on the  'Search children'  page under the adoption menu. Children are 'featured' by Link Maker Admins where certain criteria has been fulfilled. 

Commissioning practitioners 

  • Fixed a bug where the banner message shown on creation of a sibling group universal commissioning profile was incorrect for the first profile created on a case. 
  • Fixed a bug on the cases page where the total number of incoming and outgoing enquiries were showing as 0.
  • Functionality has been added to allow alerts to be resent from the profile activity page for a sibling group commissiioning profile to highlight that a placement has not yet been identified.

Release 1.13.20

Release date: July 25th 2018

All users

  • Fixed a bug that prevented users from posting a new forum topic.


  • Fixed a bug that allowed adopters access to the 'message practitioner' button.

Commissioning practitioners

  • On a foster carers profile, where the county is ‘Greater London’ the display will also include the local authority of residence, eg Greater London (London Borough of Bromley).
  • New fields have been added to a foster carers profile – ‘number of vacancies’ and ‘date foster career is available’, to differentiate between the number of registered places and he number of vacancies. When the number of vacancies is zero, then there is functionality to set the availability to hidden. When the number of vacancies is not 0, users should indicate when the vacancies are available.
  • A new option of ‘Staying put’ has been added in the ‘relationship’ field when enering details about ‘Existing Adults’ in the Current household section of a foster carers profile.
  • A new filter for ‘Available now’ has been added to the foster carer search page.
  • The order of fields/section on foster carer profiles has been rearranged so that information regarding existing adults and children can be entered at the same time as entering information on current vacancies.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented users from entering 'more information' when selecting the plactment type of 'other' in the creation of a sibling group commissioning profile. 

Foster Carers

  • New fields have been added to a foster carers profile – ‘number of vacancies’ and ‘date foster career is available’, to differentiate between the number of registered places and he number of vacancies. When the number of vacancies is zero, then there is functionality to set the availability to hidden. When the number of vacancies is not 0, users should indicate when the vacancies are available.
  • A new option of ‘Staying put’ has been added in the ‘relationship’ field when enering details about ‘Existing Adults’ in the Current household section of a foster carers profile.
  • The order of fields/section on foster carer profiles has been rearranged so that information regarding existing adults and children can be entered at the same time as entering information on current vacancies.