Create your adopter profile

  • Your account
  • Your family
  • Meeting needs
  • Photo/video
  • Availability
  • Complete

Usernames must be between 5 and 16 characters, and must not contain identifying information

Enter a name to be used across the community.


Passwords must be at least 12 characters and contain both letters and numbers

Your PIN should consist of 4 non-consecutive numbers, 3 of which must not be repeated

You must be an approved adopter or foster carer, or in the assessment process, to use our system for matching.

We will verify your identity, and the status of your criminal records checks, with your LA/agency.

The verification process can take up to 5 working days.

Please note that 'Early Permanence' is a term that includes both 'Fostering for Adoption' (FfA) and 'Concurrent Planning' placements (CPP).

When you register on Link Maker for family finding as an adopter, your registered organisation/agency uploads and accesses your personal data on our site. Your organisation remains responsible for your data. This includes all your adopter profile information and information relating to the activity of family finding, which is then accessible by registered users via the site.

To create a profile suitable for family finding, organisations may ask for special categories of personal data (such as information relating to ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation and health), and may ask you to confirm you have completed a criminal record check. If you have questions about how this type of data is processed you should contact your registered organisation.

Community access

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